Search «киевский университет» in the region «Вся Україна»

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Our faculties: - international trade and law; - trade and marketing; - economics, management and psychology; - information technologies; - restaurant, hotel and tourism business; - finance and accounting.
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FACULTIES AND INSTITUTIONS: - faculty of personnel management, sociology and psychology; - faculty of International Economics and Management; - faculty of Accounting and Tax Management; - faculty of Economics and Management; - faculty of marketing; - faculty of Finance; - legal institute; - institute of Distance Education; - institute of Information Technologies in Economics; - department of military training of the University.
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Our faculties: - the fashion industry; - design; - economics and business; - mechatronics and computer technology; - chemical and pharmaceutical technologies; - computer technology and design; - cultural and creative industries.
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Our faculties: - faculty of Automation and Information Technology; - architecture faculty; - faculty of Civil Engineering; - faculty of Construction and Technology; - faculty of Engineering Systems and Ecologists; - faculty of Geographic Information Systems for Territory Management; - faculty of Urbanism and Spatial Planning.
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Institutions: - Institute for Applied Systems Analysis; - Educational and Scientific Institute of Telecommunication Systems; - Publishing and Printing Institute; - Institute of Aerospace Technologies; - Institute of Energy Saving and Energy Management; - Institute of Materials Science and Welding named after E.A. Paton; - Institute for Special Communications and Information Protection; - Mechanical More details
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We offer training in the following faculties: - faculty of Geography; - faculty of Economics; - history department; - faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics; - faculty of Information Technology; - faculty of Computer Science and Cybernetics; - psychology faculty; - faculty of Radiophysics, Electronics and Computer Systems; - faculty of Sociology; - faculty of Physics; - faculty of Philosophy; - chemical faculty.
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Our faculties: - Germanic Philology; - Romance Philology and Translation; - translation studies; - oriental studies; - tourism, business and psychology; - Slavic philology; - preparatory department for foreign citizens of the Faculty of Slavic Philology.
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We offer training: - Faculty of Law and International Relations; - Faculty of History and Philosophy; - Faculty of Health, Physical Education and Sports; - Institute of Philology; - Institute of Journalism; - Institute of Arts; - Pedagogical Institute; - Human Institute; - Institute of Postgraduate Education; - Faculty of Information Technology and Management; - Professional college “Universum”.
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We invite you to study at the following faculties: - cinema and television; - hotel and restaurant and tourism business; - design and advertising; - department of International Relations; - public relations and journalism; - musical art; - choreographic art; - event management, fashion and show business; - stage direction; - theater and cinema; - information policy and cybersecurity; - department of philosophy and pedagogy.
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Specialty: - folk art; - choreography; - librarianship.
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NATIONAL ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT (Higher Educational Institution IV accreditation level) was founded in 1992. National Academy of Management prepares masters and bachelors in specialties - ”Law” - ”International Economic Relations” - ”Marketing” - ”Finance, Banking and Insurance” - ”Accounting and taxation” - ”Computer Science” - ”System Analysis” - as well as Ph.D. (PhD) and Doctors of Economics and Law.
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CONSULTATIVE POLYCLINIC 1) Consultation of doctors: - ophthalmologist; - endoscopist; - endocrinologist; - surgeon; - urologist; - therapist (cardiologist); - proctologist; - pediatrician; - neurologist; - mammologist. 2) Diagnosis: - gastroscopy; - ECG; - colonoscopy; - laparoscopy; - ultrasound diagnostics (ultrasound). 3) Laboratory: - blood test; - urine analysis; - preparation More details
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The university has 9 departments: - foreign languages; - humanitarian disciplines; - civil and labor law; - theory and history of state and law; - criminal law and process; - economic law and process; - sector of physical education and sports; - constitutional and administrative law; - international law and comparative law;
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OUR PROGRAM: I LEVEL - “INTRODUCTION TO THE METHOD - The beginning of a professional path” (Educational and Therapeutic Curriculum Level I in Gestalt Therapy) II LEVEL - “Professional training for Gestalt therapists and Gestalt consultants” (curriculum II level in Gestalt therapy) III LEVEL - “Professional training of supervisors, trainers of the first levels, teachers of Gestalt More details
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Scientific departments: - philosophy and social science, history, economics; - linguistics, literary criticism, folklore and art criticism; - science about land, chemistry, biology, ecology, agricultural sciences; - mathematics, physics, astronomy; - computer and technical sciences.
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Education Opportunities: - junior bachelor; - bachelor; - magistracy; - doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Sciences; - preparatory department; - dual education; - postgraduate education.
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Total companies: 20
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