Other types of education

VIP Plan
Products, services
We offer the following services: - translation of sites; - written translation of any type and level of complexity: technical, notarial, medical; - consecutive and simultaneous interpretation; - affixing an “apostille” stamp and legalization of documents; - notarization of translations; - editing and proofreading of texts. In addition, we offer courses in English, German, French, Polish, More details
Products, services
We are conducting: - training of authorized persons and participants/suppliers in public procurement; - training from “A to Z” of customers and participants; - seminars on procurement in construction (capital or current repairs); - advanced training in defense procurement; - advanced training in electricity procurement; - individual training; - support of public procurement of customers More details
Products, services
We offer assistance to professionals and employers in the selection of candidates in the following areas: DEVELOPMENT - Web-design, UI / UX and graphic design; - system administration, databases; - development of WEB sites, desktop applications and mobile applications for iOS, Android. MARKETING - advertising, search promotion, SMM, SERM; - copywriting, rewriting, editing. MANAGEMENT - More details
Products, services
Spoken English courses. Learning spoken English using the communicative method, which is focused on communication and overcoming the language barrier. 60-100% of conversational training for the course, thanks to which students receive practical English communication skills, including all the necessary grammar for correct oral speech, as well as sufficient vocabulary for everyday and business communication. Spoken More details
Products, services
The training center of ADAGIO LLC provides services: 1) training of officials, specialists and employees in: - labor protection, - fire safety, - electrical safety - Execution of high-risk works; 2) development of normative documentation on labor protection (instructions, regulations); 3) consultations on labor protection legislation; 4) implementation of literature on labor protection, fire More details
Products, services
Cost of education: - Housekeeper Theory - 100 ac. Driving - 4 ac. - Standard Theory - 100 ac. Driving - 15 ac. - VIP Theory - 100 ac. Driving - 25 ac. Exercise machine - 5 ac.
Products, services
Education is carried out on the basis of basic (9 grades) and complete general secondary education (11 grades). Specialization (educational program): - lawyer-economist (OPP ”Law”); - lawyer-human rights activist (OPP “Right”); - lawyer-political scientist (OPP ”Law”); - information law (OPP ”Law”).
Products, services
Services: - introduction of management systems; - seminars, webinars, trainings; - certification and accreditation; - on accompaniment; - for laboratories.
Products, services
Training in categories: - category A - motorcycles; - category B - cars; - category C - trucks; - category D - buses; - category CE - trucks, rangefinders. Classes in all districts. Classes: afternoon, morning, evening and weekend groups.
Products, services
Our specialties: - food technologies; - aquatic bioresources and aquaculture; - accounting and taxation; - finance, banking and insurance.
Products, services
- Translations; - Anti-tutor; - Learning English; - Visas.
Products, services
College specialties: - marketing; - agronomy; - agroengineering; - construction and civil engineering; - electric power industry, electrical engineering and electromechanics.
Products, services
Main divisions: EDUCATIONAL AND SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTE OF ECONOMY - Department of Finance, Banking and Insurance; - Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences; - Department of Accounting, Taxation and Auditing; - Department of Theoretical and Applied Economics; - Department of Marketing, PR-Technologies and Logistics. EDUCATIONAL AND SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTE OF LAW AND SOCIAL TECHNOLOGIES Faculty More details
Products, services
Our departments: - nursing; - obstetric and gynecological disciplines; - narrow disciplines; - humanitarian disciplines; - general education disciplines; - nursing and therapeutic disciplines; - pediatric disciplines; - natural science disciplines; - sanitary and hygienic and infectious disciplines; - socio-economic disciplines; - surgical disciplines; - physical education.
Products, services
Preparation of a professional junior bachelor in the following specialties: - railway transport; - automobile transport; - transport technologies.
Products, services
Our specialties: - agroengineering; - agronomy; - accounting and taxation; - landscape gardening; - technology of production and processing of livestock products (beekeeping).
Products, services
Our branches: - medical business; - medical business; - obstetrics; - orthopedic dentistry; - pharmacy.
Products, services
Specialty: - economy; - marketing; - management; - accounting and taxation; - computer science; - right; - psychology; - metallurgy; - chambermaid; - food technologies; - secondary education (history); - branch mechanical engineering; – chemical technologies and engineering; - international economic relations; - public administration and administration; - finance, banking, insurance; - More details
Products, services
Faculties: - telecommunications; - information technologies. Chairs: - Information Technology; - infocommunications; - switching systems; - radio electronic systems; - radio technologies; - physics; - physical education; - radio monitoring and radio frequency management; - telecommunication systems; - telecommunication technologies; - higher mathematics; - computer systems and networks; - More details
Products, services
Education Opportunities: - junior bachelor; - bachelor; - magistracy; - doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Sciences; - preparatory department; - dual education; - postgraduate education.

Total companies: 1978
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