Search «цветы оптом» in the region «Вся Україна»

Products, services
You can order from us: - bouquets; - imported, exotic flowers; - plants; - various gifts; - decor.
Products, services
- Delivery of flowers across Kiev; - Flowers one by one; - Flowers in bouquets; - Flower arrangements; - Flowers in the shape of a heart; - Flowers in a box; - Flowers for decoration; - Rose petals; - Bouquets wholesale; - Wedding bouquets; - Wedding decoration; - Houseplants; - Landscaping of offices; - Artificial flowers; - Postcards; - Sweets; - Cakes - Balloons; - Vases; - Perfumes; - More details
Products, services
We offer: 1. Large selection of fresh flowers: - tulips; - roses; - orchids; - peonies; - Callie; - chrysanthemums; - carnations; - Easter baskets; - and other. 2. Wedding floristics: - bouquets of flowers; - wedding bouquet - bouquet for the bride; - boutonniere for the young; - design of the banquet hall; - registration of a machine train. 3. Registration of exhibitions, More details
Products, services
Main napryamok dіyalnostі FlowersWeb - postachannya that vikonannya buketіv s kvіtіv whether yakoї skladnostі for rіznih vipadkіv. Florist FlowersWeb skladayut vesіlnі bouquet on zamovlennya, vikonuyut korporativnі application. Takozh kompaniia zaymaєtsya with delivery podarunkіv: ekzotichnі tropіchnі meteliki, parfumerіya, Wazi, godinniki, accessories h naturalnoї shkіri i like More details
Products, services
Internet-shop ”UROZHAY” offers: - vegetable seeds: * large (professional) packaging; * semi-professional; * mini package. - flowers: * perennial flowers; * two-year-old flowers; * annual flowers; * indoor plants, flowers; * tobacco (tobacco). - beets are forage - plant protection products (retail and wholesale); - fertilizers; - plastic pots, ceramic, for seedlings, for orchids; - More details
Products, services
Пропонуємо понад 100 найменувань зрізаних квітів і більше 200 найменувань кімнатних рослин.
Products, services
Company ”Harvest” - all products for the garden.
  • 1
Total companies: 7
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