
Legal address
88020, m. Uzhhorod, vul. Bolharska, 3
Kharakhalil Liendar Fievziievych — director

Products, services

- Oil and gas equipment
- Gear equipment
- Foundry
- Improvement of public spaces
- Children’s playgrounds

Company information

JSC ”Uzhgorod Turbogaz» - a leading manufacturer of equipment for the oil and gas industry.

Our company specializes in the production of power equipment for power stations operating on gaseous fuel, and equipment for a wide range of prey, transportation and storage of oil and gas. Products JSC ”Uzhgorod Turbogaz» for decades successfully established itself as enterprises in the oil and gas industry and in other industries. Our equipment operated on gas production facilities, gas transportation, oil, metallurgical enterprises of Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and several other states.

The production base of the company is equipped with high-precision equipment, manufactured in Germany, Switzerland, which helps to maintain a policy of quality and produce high-quality, competitive products. In its production areas JSC ”Uzhgorod Turbogaz» manufactures a complete range of activities - from receiving the workpiece, machining of the material, heat treatment, testing products to enter into operation, as well as warranty and post-warranty service operation.

To meet the needs of the Customer the company employs highly professional team, ready to solve the problem in time and cost. In addition, personnel policy is to rejuvenate the staff, the involvement of qualified personnel, which makes it possible to look with confidence to the future.

In modern terms, the modernization of oil and gas is one of the priorities of Ukraine. The team of our company is ready to solve the complex problems associated with the introduction of its own production equipment at various facilities of the economy.

Cooperation with research institutes and design organizations allows the company to implement the latest developments of oil and gas industry to keep pace with the times and set the pace to other companies.

Not a word, and every day we bring business value and high level of our company.

JSC ”Uzhgorod Turbogaz» with certainty about the future and looking to cooperate on mutually beneficial terms.

Marketing information

Export countriesПольща, Чехія

Activities of KVED

Order the VIP Plan which increased the income of our clients is on average 50-100% after the start.

About company

Code EGRPOU00153608
Year of foundation
Number of employees250 чел.
Registration date13.07.1998
Update date12.04.2023

Work schedule

08:00 — 16:30
08:00 — 16:30
08:00 — 16:30
08:00 — 16:30
08:00 — 16:30
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Questions and answers

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine to a legal entity «UZHHORODSKYY TURBOHAZ, AT» assigned a code 00153608.

Head of the company «UZHHORODSKYY TURBOHAZ, AT» is Kharakhalil Liendar Fievziievych, according to the data of the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine.

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine legal address of the company «UZHHORODSKYY TURBOHAZ, AT» — m. Uzhhorod, vul. Bolharska, 3.

According to information obtained from open and reliable Internet sources, at the enterprise «UZHHORODSKYY TURBOHAZ, AT» official site:
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