Products, services

Wedding in medieval style, folk wedding.
2. Private, family and corporate holidays and anniversaries: each of us at least once in his life wondered how it would be so interesting to celebrate a birthday, anniversary of an event, anniversary or corporate holiday. So that there was a ”table and table”.
3. Medieval accounting, TV party, Scottish entertainment, Solokha’s house, Vechornitsa in ”Gridnytsia”, performance-lunch ”Waiting for Prince…”, Exclusive service ”Dinner face to face”.
4. Children’s holidays: the child is not interested in our adult entertainment. The child is not interested in just sitting at the table or just dancing. It is not interesting for a child to just meet and talk. The child wants fun, a mini-quest ”In search of treasure.”
Company information
Our ”Gridnytsia” is a place where you can take a person unfamiliar with Ukrainian cuisine, who wants to feel the spirit of the Galician Middle Ages, and a person who above all appreciates a sincere atmosphere of comfort. This is a place for a friendly company of guys, and a face-to-face statement. Celebrating a landmark event or a romantic evening are special reasons to visit this place.
The spirit of aristocratic Galicia still hovers here, remembering sumptuous balls and receptions with rich tables, full mugs and merry jokes. Today you will be able to solemnly celebrate an important event in your life.
The spirit of aristocratic Galicia still hovers here, remembering sumptuous balls and receptions with rich tables, full mugs and merry jokes. Today you will be able to solemnly celebrate an important event in your life.
Activities of KVED
- Restaurants, catering services
- Provision of other booking services
- Organization of companies of other types of recreation and entertainment
- Retail sale of unused goods in specialized stores
- Activities of hotels and similar temporary accommodation facilities
- Leasing of other machinery, equipment and goods
- Leasing and operating your own or leased property
- Drink service
Questions and answers
According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine to a legal entity «ZAKHIDNYY TURYSTYCHNYY TSENTR, PC» assigned a code 31363479.
Head of the company «ZAKHIDNYY TURYSTYCHNYY TSENTR, PC» is Pavliukovets Yaroslava Volodymyrivna, according to the data of the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine.
According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine legal address of the company «ZAKHIDNYY TURYSTYCHNYY TSENTR, PC» — Lvivska obl., Zolochivskyi r-n, smt. Olesko, vul. Zamkova, 3.
According to information obtained from open and reliable Internet sources, at the enterprise «ZAKHIDNYY TURYSTYCHNYY TSENTR, PC» official site:
Legal entity status according to the Unified State Register (EDRPOU) — зареєстровано.
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