Legal address
46011, m. Ternopil, vul. Soniachna, 7

Products, services

Translations from Ukrainian to English:

- Creation of an online store for selling goods and services online
- Development of an internet store with a unique design and convenient functionality
- Creation of a corporate website to present the company online
- Website development with an individual approach to each client
- Creation of a mobile application for convenient access to the company from mobile devices
- Development of a mobile application using modern technologies
- Creation of a web application for business process automation
- Web application development taking into account the specific business nature of the company
- Creation of a landing page to promote a specific product or service
- Development of a landing page for launching advertising campaigns
- Creation of adaptive design for convenient website viewing on different devices
- Development of adaptive design considering mobile technologies
- Creation of a CRM system for managing the client database
- Development of a CRM system to optimize customer interactions
- Creation of an ERP system for automating company resource management
- Development of an ERP system to enhance business process efficiency
- Creation of a SaaS solution for quick and convenient data work in the cloud
- Development of a SaaS solution with scalability and flexible settings
- Creation of custom software tailored to unique company needs
- Development of custom software to optimize business processes

Company information

The company Workrocks uses cutting-edge solutions in the field of mobile and web development for corporations and government institutions. Our team is a reliable provider of high-tech software products for businesses. Understanding the importance of effective online presence in the modern world, we offer the creation of quality online stores and website development that contribute to the growth of your business.

Our company focuses on creating innovative and functional solutions that will help your business reach a new level of competitiveness. We understand the importance of an individual approach to each client and are always ready to meet your needs and requirements.

Our team has extensive experience in developing online stores and websites, allowing us to create products according to the latest standards and technologies. We strive for the highest quality in all aspects of our work, from design to functionality.

Understanding the importance of success for each project for us and our clients, we aim to ensure efficient and productive cooperation aimed at achieving common goals. Entrust us with creating your online store or website, and we guarantee you an individual approach and a quality result that will help your business thrive in the online space.

Activities of KVED


Development of an online store, creation of a corporate website, development of a mobile application, software development for businesses, creation of high-tech web solutions, development of innovative web projects, creation of unique web design, development of software solutions for corporations, creation of an efficient mobile application, development of an interactive website.
Order the VIP Plan which increased the income of our clients is on average 50-100% after the start.

About company

Code EGRPOU35114003
Kyrychenko Andrii Vasylovych
Lezhhubska Iryna Stepanivna
Number of employees13 чел.
Registration date26.06.2007
Update date05.11.2023
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Questions and answers

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine to a legal entity «SOVLANUT, LLC» assigned a code 35114003.

Head of the company «SOVLANUT, LLC» is Kyrychenko Andrii Vasylovych, according to the data of the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine.

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine legal address of the company «SOVLANUT, LLC» — m. Ternopil, vul. Soniachna, 7.

According to information obtained from open and reliable Internet sources, at the enterprise «SOVLANUT, LLC» official site:

Legal entity status according to the Unified State Register (EDRPOU) — registered.
Legal address
46011, m. Ternopil, vul. Soniachna, 7
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