Actual address
61140, m. Kharkiv, prosp. Haharina, 20, of. 2319
Legal address
61064, m. Kharkiv, vul. Volozhanivska, 43, k. 7
Postal address
m. Kharkiv, А/с № 2304

Products, services

The company ” NPP” Ukrinteh ” engaged in the production and supply of test equipment in the field of quality control for different areas of industry.
In addition , the company has its own service center and accredited laboratory .
- Mechanical materials testing
- unbrakable control
- Analysis of the chemical composition of metals and alloys
- Metallographic equipment and consumables .

Company information

The team of ”Ukrintech” has been successfully working for more than 10 years and developing in the field of non-destructive testing devices, testing and laboratory equipment, quality control of materials and products.
Supply of equipment. As an authorized dealer and partner, we supply the devices, equipment and consumables of advanced manufacturers: MetCata (Germany), Effer (France), Future-tech corp. (Japan), Optika (Italy), Chennai Metco (India), Starmans electronics Ltd. (Czech Republic), TestoAG (Germany), Mercury (Czech Republic), Sonatest Ltd (Great Britain), Metal Power (India), NPC Kropus (RF), NPP Mashproekt (RF), Constanta (RF), VZOR Company The engineers of the company ”Ukrintek” are certified by manufacturing companies for the assembly, installation, adjustment and repair of the supplied equipment and devices.
Service center. The organization of its own service center allows you to quickly solve the problems of warranty, post-warranty and scheduled maintenance with subsequent verification of instruments and equipment, as well as major repairs and upgrades. The modern material and technical base in the skillful hands of engineers allows you to work with equipment that is not part of the company’s permanent range.
Accredited testing laboratory. The Center for Independent Research ”Ukrinteh” conducts physical, mechanical and physical and chemical research of materials, namely the main directions of the center are: mechanical tests, metallographic studies, spectral analysis of metals and alloys, and non-destructive testing.
R & D and production. The dominant activity of Ukrintech is research, development and production of equipment for mechanical testing.
Interaction with the institutes and profile departments of the Kharkov Automobile and Road University (KhNADU), the Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute (KPI), the Kiev Polytechnic Institute (KPI), the Kharkov National University of Radioelectronics (KNURE), the Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology (KIPT), the National Science Center Institute of Metrology ”allows more in-depth study of the tasks of enterprises and develop special methods and techniques for monitoring and testing. And attracting narrow specialists, to devote more time to research and in-depth study of problem fields and to find the best technical solutions.
The company ”Ukrintech” is engaged in both the production of NDT devices and testing equipment in cooperation with leading manufacturers, as well as the production of its own range of instruments and equipment.
Development of methods for conducting attestations. The presence in the company’s structure of the Center for Independent Studies and cooperation with the NSC ”Institute of Metrology” makes it possible to provide professional-level services in the development of programs and techniques for metrological certification, verification methods, technical conditions for measuring equipment, and prepare a documentary basis for conducting state acceptance testing (GUI). ”NPP” Ukrinteh ”also assists in carrying out all metrological measures.

Activities of KVED


ukrinteh , testing laboratories , chemical analysis of metals, tverdometriya , non-destructive testing , mechanical testing, tolschynometriya , metallography, testing of
Order the VIP Plan which increased the income of our clients is on average 50-100% after the start.

About company

Code EGRPOU37461045
Demchenko Serhii Volodymyrovych
Registration date28.01.2011
Update date18.07.2023

Work schedule

09:00 — 17:30
09:00 — 17:30
09:00 — 17:30
09:00 — 17:30
09:00 — 17:30
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Questions and answers

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine to a legal entity «UKRINTEKH, NVP, LLC» assigned a code 37461045.

Head of the company «UKRINTEKH, NVP, LLC» is Demchenko Serhii Volodymyrovych, according to the data of the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine.

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine legal address of the company «UKRINTEKH, NVP, LLC» — m. Kharkiv, vul. Volozhanivska, 43, k. 7.

According to information obtained from open and reliable Internet sources, at the enterprise «UKRINTEKH, NVP, LLC» official site:

Legal entity status according to the Unified State Register (EDRPOU) — registered.
Actual address
61140, m. Kharkiv, prosp. Haharina, 20, of. 2319
Legal address
61064, m. Kharkiv, vul. Volozhanivska, 43, k. 7
Postal address
m. Kharkiv, А/с № 2304
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