Technical testing and research

Products, services
In matters on avtoekspertyzi vehicle will help you: - legal expert Galamay Bogdan Ivanovich, bw 0679353999, expert work experience 32 years; - legal expert Galamay Yaroslav Ivanovich, bw 0677986106, expert work experience of 22 years. Action line: 1. Determining the cost of repairing the vehicle; 2. The definition of property damage incurred by the owner in case of damage to the vehicle; 3. More details
Products, services
- Seeds; - Preparations for plant protection; - Seedlings; - Fertilizers; - BIO preparations; - Goods for the garden; - Household goods; - Everything for the lawn; - Forage grass; - Disinfectants; - Compound feeds; - Protection of surfaces of building materials.
Products, services
Products: Complex chemical and mineral additives / Electronic microprocessor devices determine the quality of building materials / equipment for manufacturing of foam / Additives in concrete, cements, mortars, dry mix
Products, services
Testing laboratory services Soils: - Determination of density; - Humidity; - Fluidity. Natural bulk materials: - Dense natural sand; - Sand from crushing screenings; - Gravel, rubble and sand are artificial porous; - Rubble and gravel from natural stone. Natural wall and facing materials: - Crushed stone; - Slabs and products made of natural stone; - Plates decorative on the basis More details
Products, services
SIC certificate: is the main evidence for the international recognition of certificates by all SIC partners. The SIC certificate is always issued together with the partner certificate; both documents have the same period of validity. The SIC certificate serves as a global passport for all stakeholders around the world. SIC certification marks: are a proof of successfully certified products, services, personnel, management systems of the Customer.
Products, services
Technical support of state supervision, ensuring industrial safety by conducting inspections and diagnostics of equipment, equipment, machinery and mechanisms, examination of projects, training on labor protection, and more.
Products, services
The company sells trailer chassis of its own production for the installation of various superstructures for the transportation of all types of cargo and the installation of all kinds of special equipment. - manipulator cranes; - special vehicles; - trailers and semi-trailers; - machinery for wood processing; - skidding equipment; - components and spare parts; - agricultural machinery; - service and repair; - powder painting; - shot blasting.
Products, services
The main activity of the enterprise is centralized water supply and drainage. Carries out economic activities in the field of water supply and sewerage in order to meet public needs for products, works and services, improve the living conditions of the population of the region, as well as make a profit and sell the social and economic interests of territorial communities of villages, towns and cities on the basis of the profit received areas of the housing and communal services industry.
Products, services
Technical inspection Expert examinations Certification
Products, services
Carrying out of inspection and issue of conclusions of examination concerning observance by subjects of managing of requirements of the legislation concerning labor protection and industrial safety at: high-risk work; operation of machines, mechanisms, equipment, increased danger; application of machines, mechanisms of the increased danger.
Products, services
Diagnostics department Technical examination department Electrical department Department of technological transport Department of Mining Expertise Tender and contract department Information technology sector Training department and psychophysiological examination Certification Service
Products, services
Products, services
Lviv RDCSS ensure the implementation in the region, a unified technical policy of Derzhspozhyvstandart of Ukraine regarding the functioning of the state systems of standardization, unity and reliability of measurements, certification to protect the interests of consumers and society as a whole, environmental protection, improve the competitiveness of products and services, the use of resource-saving More details
Products, services
MYKOLAIVVODOKANAL, MKP is a reliable supplier of water supply and sewage services in Mykolaiv. We work to provide the population and businesses with quality water and reliable sewage, contributing to a comfortable and healthy environment for all residents of our city. Our services include water supply, treatment and distribution to consumers. We have modern water supply systems that guarantee high More details
Products, services
Our services: - assessment of occupational safety and health in the process of performing high-risk works and operation of high-risk equipment and objects; - assessment of conformity of machines, mechanisms, high-risk equipment, including those manufactured abroad, with the requirements of normative legal acts on labor protection and industrial safety; - technical inspection of technological vehicles, More details
Products, services
Examination of high-risk objects Technical diagnostics of boiler inspection objects Technical diagnostics of hoisting mechanisms Occupational safety training State technical inspection of technological vehicles Sanitary laboratory
Products, services
- Inspection and certification of buildings and structures; - Inspection of technical condition, aerodynamic tests of ventilation systems; - Assessment of the technical condition of high-risk equipment (technical diagnosis (expert examination), technical inspection, certification): pressure vessels, boilers, pipelines, lifting mechanisms; - Testing, expert inspection of electrical installations and electrical equipment.
Products, services
Technical expertise Technical diagnostics Testing and sanitary examination Teaching Psychophysiological examination
Products, services
Our company works in the following areas: 1) Design, production and installation of quickly erected mobile buildings and structures of various types (metal frame, BMZ/LSTK, frame-tent, air-resistant, pneumatic frame) and various fields of application: - education (covering of various sports grounds, quickly constructed mobile sports halls, warehouses, mobile racks, fences, canopies); - transport More details
Products, services
Training and testing of knowledge on occupational safety Examinations Carrying out technical inspection and diagnostics Certification Electrical measuring works Psychophysiological examination

Total companies: 1318
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