Legal address
81500, Lvivska obl., Lvivskyi r-n, m. Horodok, vul. Lvivska, 659 A/V

Products, services

About us Avers is a company that provides high-quality customs brokerage services. Providing customs services at a proper level, Main:

- Export-import operations
- Customs clearance of goods
- Cargo logistics
- Consultations on customs procedures
- Declaration of goods
- Customs consultations
- Customs clearance
- Export of goods
- Import of goods
- Transit cargo
- Cargo delivery
- Resolution of customs disputes
- Customs clearance settlements
- Customs clearing mediation
- Customs control
- Customs authority audit
- Customs inspections
- Customs accounting
- Customs registration
- Customs affairs consultations

This list of popular services of the ”Avers” company will help you get better acquainted with their range and capabilities.

Company information

Main company | Avers in the customs brokerage market stands out for its high level of professionalism and quality of service. About us Avers is a team of experienced professionals ready to provide you with comprehensive services in the field of customs clearance and consulting.

Our company works with various types of goods, regardless of their complexity and volume. We have deep knowledge of customs legislation and extensive experience in solving various customs issues. We are always ready to find the optimal path for you to ensure fast and secure customs clearance.

In addition to a professional approach to each client, we also distinguish ourselves with an individual approach. We understand that each issue requires attention and consideration of all nuances. That is why we are always ready to work on finding the best solution specifically for you.

Company | Avers is a reliable partner in the field of customs services, guaranteeing quality, speed, and professionalism at every stage of cooperation. Choose us and see for yourself the best customs solutions for your business.

Activities of KVED


Averse, customs brokerage services, high quality, customs services, proper level, company, Lviv, Ukrainian language, professional assistance, transportation.
Order the VIP Plan which increased the income of our clients is on average 50-100% after the start.

About company

Code EGRPOU37523813
Kopystynskyi Mykhailo Stepanovych
Number of employees4 чел.
Registration date16.02.2011
Update date16.03.2023
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Questions and answers

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine to a legal entity «BROKERSKA KOMPANIYA AVERS, PC» assigned a code 37523813.

Head of the company «BROKERSKA KOMPANIYA AVERS, PC» is Kopystynskyi Mykhailo Stepanovych, according to the data of the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine.

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine legal address of the company «BROKERSKA KOMPANIYA AVERS, PC» — Lvivska obl., Lvivskyi r-n, m. Horodok, vul. Lvivska, 659 A/V.

According to information obtained from open and reliable Internet sources, at the enterprise «BROKERSKA KOMPANIYA AVERS, PC» official site:

Legal entity status according to the Unified State Register (EDRPOU) — registered.
Legal address
81500, Lvivska obl., Lvivskyi r-n, m. Horodok, vul. Lvivska, 659 A/V
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