Legal address
70500, Zaporizka obl., Polohivskyi r-n, m. Orikhiv, vul. Pisochna, 10

Products, services

- Manure pumping station
- Liquid manure mixer
- Liquid manure elevator
- Composting bucket
- Loading ramp for loads
- Ventilation tunnel fan
- Manure fertilizer dispenser
- Irrigation system for manure-combine storage
- Ignition catalysts
- Manure pit aerator
- Cyclone for gas purification
- Auger for manure and other materials
- Rotary manure ejector
- Manure unloading scale
- Semi-exhaust fan for manure
- Manure spreader
- Heat exchanger for ventilation-heating equipment
- Manure grinder
- Manure processing impediment
- Manure lagoon aerator pump

Company information

Factory SPDPETROV™ is a modern company specializing in the production of manure handling equipment. Our main goal is to provide customers with high-quality and reliable solutions for processing and utilizing manure. We strive to create efficient tools that promote the optimal use of resources for agriculture.

One of the unique features of our company is that we manufacture equipment in our own production facilities, allowing us to control quality at every stage of production. We offer a wide range of products, including various scrapers, hoses, pumps, and other equipment necessary for the rational use of manure.

Our team consists of highly qualified experts who are always ready to provide advice and assistance in selecting the optimal equipment for the customer’s specific needs. We not only sell equipment but also provide professional servicing and repairs as needed.

Factory SPDPETROV™ aims to support sustainable agriculture and the use of environmentally friendly technologies. We are confident that all issues related to manure can be solved with our equipment. Choose a reliable partner in manure processing - the company Factory SPDPETROV™, and get quality equipment and professional service for your business.

Activities of KVED


equipment for manure, Petrov SPV plant, manufacturing equipment, own production facilities, equipment sales, equipment maintenance, manure equipment, Petrov SPV company, unique equipment, farm equipment
Order the VIP Plan which increased the income of our clients is on average 50-100% after the start.

About company

Code EGRPOU42406452
Petrov Hennadii Anatoliiovych
Registration date21.08.2018
Update date09.01.2024
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Questions and answers

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine to a legal entity «PETROV, MACHINE-BUILDING PLANT, LLC» assigned a code 42406452.

Head of the company «PETROV, MACHINE-BUILDING PLANT, LLC» is Petrov Hennadii Anatoliiovych, according to the data of the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine.

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine legal address of the company «PETROV, MACHINE-BUILDING PLANT, LLC» — Zaporizka obl., Polohivskyi r-n, m. Orikhiv, vul. Pisochna, 10.

According to information obtained from open and reliable Internet sources, at the enterprise «PETROV, MACHINE-BUILDING PLANT, LLC» official site:

Legal entity status according to the Unified State Register (EDRPOU) — registered.
Legal address
70500, Zaporizka obl., Polohivskyi r-n, m. Orikhiv, vul. Pisochna, 10
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