Legal address
08700, Kyivska obl., m. Obukhiv, vul. Kyivska, 172, k. 60

Products, services

- Hot tours to exotic countries with discounts from Discount Travel
- Hot packages to resorts of world-famous brands
- Exclusive hot deals for leisure with Discount Travel
- Group tours for fun companies and families
- Special conditions for loyal Discount Travel customers
- Romantic getaways in the world’s best hotels
- Promotional tours at the best prices in Kyiv
- Summer resort vacations with hot tours from Discount Travel
- Package tours for those who value comfort and savings
- Individual tour selection tailored to your preferences with Discount Travel
- Budget-friendly hot tour options for frugal travelers
- Unique routes and excursions as part of hot tours from Discount Travel
- Themed tours for passengers with specific interests
- Summer cruises with discounts from Discount Travel partners
- Extreme tours and adventurous getaways with hot packages in Kyiv
- Gastronomic tours visiting the best restaurants and culinary workshops
- VIP packages for clients who appreciate luxury and elegance in their travels
- Family tours with special terms for families with children
- Winter hot offers for winter sports enthusiasts
- Eco-tours for those who care about environmental conservation

Company information

The company ”Hot tours from Kyiv and to Kyiv. Kyiv Discount Travel” is a leading tour operator specializing in providing hot tours from Kyiv, offering the best prices for its customers. The joy of travel that everyone can afford is the main principle of the company.

Discount Travel selects and offers the most interesting routes around the world for travelers seeking exciting adventures and the opportunity to visit the most beautiful places on the planet. Whether it’s a beach vacation, a city tour, or an active vacation in the mountains or forests, Discount Travel has the perfect option for everyone.

The team of professionals at Discount Travel knows how to make your trip unforgettable and safe. They will not only help you choose the best offer but also provide comprehensive support and advice at every stage of your journey.

Hot tours and packages from Discount Travel are a guaranteed vacation at any time of the year, at competitive prices and with the best service. Choose a reliable partner for your travels - choose Discount Travel. Let your next trip be breathtaking and unique!

Activities of KVED


On the website ’http://discount-travel.com.ua/’ you can find hot trips from Discount Travel. The hot tours store is located in Kyiv, offering the best prices for hot tours and travel packages. Traveling with Discount Travel is advantageous and unique.
Order the VIP Plan which increased the income of our clients is on average 50-100% after the start.

About company

Code EGRPOU42466726
Danshyn Stanislav Hennadiiovych
Registration date11.09.2018
Update date09.01.2024
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Questions and answers

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine to a legal entity «DYSKONT TREVEL, LLC» assigned a code 42466726.

Head of the company «DYSKONT TREVEL, LLC» is Danshyn Stanislav Hennadiiovych, according to the data of the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine.

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine legal address of the company «DYSKONT TREVEL, LLC» — Kyivska obl., m. Obukhiv, vul. Kyivska, 172, k. 60.

According to information obtained from open and reliable Internet sources, at the enterprise «DYSKONT TREVEL, LLC» official site: http://discount-travel.com.ua/

Legal entity status according to the Unified State Register (EDRPOU) — registered.
Legal address
08700, Kyivska obl., m. Obukhiv, vul. Kyivska, 172, k. 60
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