Legal address
01054, m. Kyiv, vul. Reitarska, 19b

Products, services

Here is the translation of the text from Ukrainian to English:

”Of course, we will write a list of unique content based on the website ”” for the company ”NTOU | Main” (National Tourism Organization of Ukraine):

- Interactive tours of cultural landmarks
- Ecological tours in the Carpathian mountains
- Wine routes of Ternopil region
- Mystical locations in Lviv
- Cycling tours with delicious stops
- Walking routes in Kyiv
- Photo expeditions to famous castles of Ukraine
- Culinary workshops on Ukrainian cuisine
- Festivals and cultural events in Lviv
- Ethnographic routes of Volyn
- Museum tours in Kherson region
- Virtual travel during quarantine
- Evening walks under the light of lanterns in Lviv
- Adrenaline trips in Zakarpattia
- Excursions to the highest waterfalls in Ukraine
- Gastronomic experiences of Lviv coffee
- Tourist projects for children and families
- Interactive workshops on traditional weaving
- Leisure at Ukrainian resorts”

Company information

Translation from Ukrainian to English:

The National Tourism Organization of Ukraine (NTOU) is the leading Ukrainian organization dedicated to the development of tourism in Ukraine and promoting the country’s national tourism potential. NTOU works to connect tourists from around the world with Ukraine’s culture, history, and nature by promoting the development and implementation of innovative projects in the tourism sector.

NTOU is known for its mission to raise awareness of Ukraine as a unique tourist destination that offers a rich cultural experience, enchanting landmarks, and the hospitality of the local population. Through the hard work of a team of professionals and collaboration with tourism agencies and public organizations, NTOU provides the target audience from around the world with accessible and interesting tourism programs.

The company ’NTOU | Main’ actively collaborates with government agencies and local self-governments to promote the effective development of tourism in Ukraine. Through its efforts, NTOU contributes to the creation of a favorable tourism infrastructure, improves service quality, and promotes Ukrainian tourism on a global scale.

In light of constantly changing tourism trends, NTOU continuously improves its analytical and marketing strategies, as well as collaborates with media and influencers to increase attention to Ukrainian tourism. ’NTOU | Main’ is the key to unlocking exciting journeys and unforgettable experiences from visiting and exploring Ukraine for the whole world.

Activities of KVED


National Tourism Organization of Ukraine (NTOU) - tourist activities, promotion of recreational destinations, support of tourism, development of the tourism industry, information support for tourists, functions of NTOU.
Order the VIP Plan which increased the income of our clients is on average 50-100% after the start.

About company

Code EGRPOU42964010
Tkeshelashvyli Yevhenii Valeriiovych
Registration date19.04.2019
Update date07.11.2023
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Questions and answers

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine to a legal entity «NATSIONALNA TURYSTYCHNA ORHANIZATSIYA UKRAYINY, HROMADSKA SPILKA» assigned a code 42964010.

Head of the company «NATSIONALNA TURYSTYCHNA ORHANIZATSIYA UKRAYINY, HROMADSKA SPILKA» is Tkeshelashvyli Yevhenii Valeriiovych, according to the data of the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine.

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine legal address of the company «NATSIONALNA TURYSTYCHNA ORHANIZATSIYA UKRAYINY, HROMADSKA SPILKA» — m. Kyiv, vul. Reitarska, 19b.

According to information obtained from open and reliable Internet sources, at the enterprise «NATSIONALNA TURYSTYCHNA ORHANIZATSIYA UKRAYINY, HROMADSKA SPILKA» official site:

Legal entity status according to the Unified State Register (EDRPOU) — registered.
Legal address
01054, m. Kyiv, vul. Reitarska, 19b
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