Legal address
49000, m. Dnipro, prosp. Slobozhanskyi, 20

Products, services

- GeoMetr GPS device for measuring field area
- GPS device for field measurement by GPS
- Field measuring system using GPS
- Agronomist land survey assistant
- GPS area measurement
- Field measurements using GPS
- Field measurement using GPS
- Parallel driving by GPS
- Measurement and tracking of fields with GPS
- Device for precise field area measurement
- Field area measurement
- Devices for field measurement using GPS
- Calculating field area using GPS
- GPS field area measurement device
- Field surveying by GPS
- Systems for field measurement with GPS
- Field area measurement device using GPS
- Field measurement and surveying by GPS

Company information

The company ”GeoMetr” specializes in the production and sale of precision instruments for measuring the area of fields, distances, and perimeters using GPS. Their devices allow for precise and efficient measurements and monitoring of fields. Thanks to the field measurement systems from ”GeoMetr,” agronomists and land surveyors can take field measurements using advanced GPS technology.

One of the key features of ”GeoMetr” products is parallel guidance, which enables agronomists to work efficiently in the field, ensuring accuracy and productivity in processes. GPS devices for field measurement from ”GeoMetr” have become indispensable tools for agricultural professionals who value high-quality and reliable equipment.

Instruments from ”GeoMetr” incorporate innovative technologies that make measuring fields a simple and fast process. The company offers specialized field measurement systems that aid in the development of agriculture and optimization of production processes.

If you need to accurately measure the area of a field or calculate distances using GPS, products from ”GeoMetr” will be a reliable tool to help you achieve your goals. You can confidently rely on their technologies to obtain the best results in field measurement and land accounting. Thus, ”GeoMetr” is a reliable partner for agricultural enterprises striving for efficient production with the help of modern technologies.

Activities of KVED


GeoMeter, GPS devices for measuring fields, field area measurement, surveying, field measurements, agronomist’s assistant, land surveyor, field measurement system, field area measurement, manual GPS usage, how to calculate area using GPS.
Order the VIP Plan which increased the income of our clients is on average 50-100% after the start.

About company

Code EGRPOU43223852
Hemai Vitalii Pavlovych
Registration date10.09.2019
Update date08.11.2023
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Questions and answers

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine to a legal entity «GEOMETER INTERNATIONAL, LLC» assigned a code 43223852.

Head of the company «GEOMETER INTERNATIONAL, LLC» is Hemai Vitalii Pavlovych, according to the data of the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine.

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine legal address of the company «GEOMETER INTERNATIONAL, LLC» — m. Dnipro, prosp. Slobozhanskyi, 20.

According to information obtained from open and reliable Internet sources, at the enterprise «GEOMETER INTERNATIONAL, LLC» official site:

Legal entity status according to the Unified State Register (EDRPOU) — registered.
Legal address
49000, m. Dnipro, prosp. Slobozhanskyi, 20
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