Legal address
52005, Dnipropetrovska obl., Dniprovskyi r-n, smt. Slobozhanske, vul. Sukhomlynskoho, 88v

Products, services

The 2people company is a leading provider of business training, gamification, business digitalization and chatbots for business. We specialize in the development and implementation of innovative solutions for enterprises that want to expand their capabilities, improve efficiency and attract more customers.

Our team of professionals has extensive experience in the field of business trainings, seminars and webinars. We develop and implement training programs taking into account the individual needs of each client. Our trainings are interactive in nature, ensuring active participation of participants and effective assimilation of the material.

In addition, we provide staff assessment and development services. Our specialists conduct systematic assessments of the abilities and skills of employees, help identify potential strengths and work to improve team interaction. We offer various staff development programs aimed at strengthening leadership qualities, communication skills and effective project management.

One of the key areas of work of ”2people” is gamification of business. We create gamified motivational programs that help stimulate the development of employees, increase their productivity and achieve their goals. Our developments are based on modern technologies, using interactivity, ratings, contests and game elements.

A noticeable trend recently is the digitization of business. We offer complex solutions for automation of business processes, development and implementation of electronic solutions. Let us help you optimize your workflows, provide quick access to information and increase your company’s productivity.

Finally, we specialize in the development and implementation of chatbots for business. This innovative technology allows you to automate communication with customers, improve the service process and provide instant interaction with potential and existing customers.

Visit our website and learn more about our services and how we can help you. We are always ready to become a reliable partner in the development of your business and bringing it to a new level of success.

Company information

The company ”2people - Business trainings, gamification, digitalization of business, chatbots for business” is a leader in the field of development of gamified motivational programs, training programs, trainings and digital tools for business. We specialize in conducting business trainings, seminars and webinars aimed at increasing the skills and knowledge of personnel.

Our team of professionals with many years of experience in the field of personnel training develops individual programs that meet the needs of each business. We help to improve the effectiveness of the organization by conducting staff evaluations and developing staff development programs.

One of our key principles is the use of gamification for the implementation of innovative teaching and training methods. We use gamification to engage participants in active interaction and motivation to achieve set goals.

In addition, we implement digitalization of business, giving clients the opportunity to use modern technologies and digital tools to automate business processes. In particular, we develop chatbots for businesses that help interact with customers and simplify communication.

Our company is focused on achieving maximum results for its clients. We believe that the continuous development of personnel, the use of innovative training methods and digital tools will help to increase business competitiveness. By trusting us, you will receive a professional approach, individual treatment and results that will turn your business around!

Business trainings, seminars, webinars, staff training, staff evaluation, staff development, gamification, business digitalization, business processes, digital tools, chatbots for business - these are just a few of the directions we use to achieve your business goals . You can rely on our company, which has an individual approach to each client and guarantees professionalism in every aspect of our work.

Activities of KVED


2people, гейміфікація, діджиталізація бізнесу, чат-боти для бізнесу, бізнес-тренінги, семінари, вебінари, навчання персоналу, оцінка персоналу, розвиток персоналу, бізнес-процеси, діджитал інструменти
Order the VIP Plan which increased the income of our clients is on average 50-100% after the start.

About company

Code EGRPOU44036408
Martirosova Kateryna Serhiivna
Registration date16.03.2021
Update date16.02.2024
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Questions and answers

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine to a legal entity «2PIPL, LLC» assigned a code 44036408.

Head of the company «2PIPL, LLC» is Martirosova Kateryna Serhiivna, according to the data of the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine.

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine legal address of the company «2PIPL, LLC» — Dnipropetrovska obl., Dniprovskyi r-n, smt. Slobozhanske, vul. Sukhomlynskoho, 88v.

According to information obtained from open and reliable Internet sources, at the enterprise «2PIPL, LLC» official site: https://2people.com.ua/

Legal entity status according to the Unified State Register (EDRPOU) — registered.
Legal address
52005, Dnipropetrovska obl., Dniprovskyi r-n, smt. Slobozhanske, vul. Sukhomlynskoho, 88v
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