Manufacture of concrete products for construction

Products, services
- Concrete; - Solutions; - Reinforced concrete; - Building materials; - Windows and facades; - Fuel briquettes; - Bulk materials; - Laboratory; - Concrete pump; - Construction.
Products, services
- Multi-hollow plates; - Balcony slabs; - Ventilation units; - Links of pipes; - Road plates; - Paving slabs; - Ribbed floor slabs; - Foundation blocks; - Columns; - Trays; - Flat plates; - Support pillows; - Foundation piles; - Bridge piles; - Piles for power lines; - Racks for equipment; - Blocks of beds; - Jumpers; - Fence plates; - Runs; - Step marches; - Ready-mixed concrete; - Reinforcing frames.
Products, services
Manufacture of concrete products for construction
Products, services
The range of products offered by our company : - paving slabs, garden slabs; - foundation blocks; - rings, lids, bottoms of wells; - elements of fences, columns, decorative fences; - stair degree; - slabs; - drainage systems; - keramzytbloky, cinder blocks, concrete blocks; - non-standard flat plate of any size (possibly with holes ); - concrete of M- 100 and M -450; - steel structures of any complexity; - mesh Masonry.
Products, services
Concretes and mortars Reinforced concrete products Constructive Design elements Building materials
Products, services
- Ready-mixed concrete. - Cement-sand mortar. - Services industrial floors. - Concrete pump Services. - Services of storage and handling. - Laboratory testing services.
Products, services
Компанія ”фенікс!” З виробництва напівфабрикатів а так само морозива тм ”злата” шукає торгових партнерів і дистриб’юторів у усіх регіонах України. ми хотіли б знайти партнера для створення продажів і тривале партнерство. More details
Products, services
We offer quality products from reinforced concrete: fences from vibropressed concrete; construction of a fence from dry-pressed concrete with addition of plastids; fences from vibropressed concrete with addition of plasticizers; reinforced concrete products. And also, fences, columns, walls, roofs are made with observance of quality standards for prevention of destruction and evictions.
Products, services
Products: Concrete blocks / Racks of support of contact network / pressure pipes vibrogidropressovannye / Sleepers / beams, lintels and ceilings Concrete / balconies, balustrades and fencing, concrete / concrete blocks / Brick Concrete / Concrete collars for lining and facing of wells, boreholes, mines / Roofing elements precast concrete / slabs, tiles for paving roads and sidewalks, concrete / Piles More details
Products, services
Paints and varnishes / Paints / Enamels / Solvents / Acetone / Automotive chemicals / Autocosmetics / Painting and construction tools / Gardening equipment / Household chemicals / Tableware / Plastic products / Electrical products / Building materials / Dry construction mixtures / Plasterboard and accessories / Heaters / Roofing material / Polyethylene film / / Fabrics / Nails, fasteners / Means of protection of joinery from burning
Products, services
Manufacture of articles of concrete for construction. Flagstones / Tiles shopsavvy and vbrovich / Curbs / Covers for columns / Cover for rails and fences / Gutter system (gutters) and stone / delivery in the entire territory of Ukraine / the services of a professional paving for areas of any size
Products, services
Reinforced concrete pipes ranging in diameter from 300 mm to 1200 mm Reinforced concrete manhole rings with diameters ranging from 1 meter to 3 meters Reinforced concrete bowl rings with diameters ranging from 800 mm to 3000 mm Reinforced concrete rings for structures and hydraulic structures Reinforced concrete rings for drainage systems Reinforced concrete rings for water supply networks Reinforced More details
Products, services
Наша продукція: вапно, вапнякове молочко, вапняне тісто, товарний бетон, вапняний і цементно-піщаний розчин, керамзит і керамзитобетонні блоки, щебінь гранітний, гравійний, піщаник, вапняк, пісок річковий і яружний, сухі будівельні суміші.
Products, services
Products: Reinforced concrete products, reinforced concrete products, lump lime, quicklime, concrete, cement-sand mortars, FBS concrete blocks, stair flights, concrete lintels, rings for septic tanks, concrete hatches, prefabricated block-rooms made of reinforced concrete, well rings, fencing elements - fences, sidewalk curbs, road (curbs), lime mortar, lime milk, cement-sand mortars, plaster mortar, More details
Products, services
Pavement tile / Industrial equipment / Building materials / Special equipment
Products, services
We offer a wide assortment of concrete products for construction: - paving stone; - pavement tile; - curbs; - palisade; - concrete flowers; - lawn lattice; - vibrating products: covering the pillar and foundation, trunks, facing stone and facade tiles; - vibropressed concrete elements: columns of fastening (”under the brick”, ”under the stone”, relief, decorative), decorative brick, More details
Products, services
Production of cobblestones, paving slabs and concrete products

Total companies: 1041
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