Production of electrical distribution and control equipment

Products, services
Power and electromechanical equipment / Switches / Electromagnetic couplings / Time relay / Low-voltage equipment / Electromagnets / / Assembly services of electrical components and equipment /
Products, services
- Complete transformer substations; - Distribution devices; - Power oil transformers; - Power transformers are dry; - Measuring transformers; - Current transformers; - Box cable block; - Oil and gas equipment; - Modular buildings; - Containers; - Lifting and handling equipment; - Laser cutting of metal sheets and pipes; - Spare parts for agricultural machinery.
Products, services
Dosing and mixing complex manufacturing of concrete, dry mixes, foam, aerated. Flow-transport lines, metering. Pneumatic conveying system. Line processing of raw materials (sand, gravel, dolomite, limestone, etc.). Installation of automatic control systems of any complexity. Installation of technology and video surveillance.
Products, services
Збирання розподільчих щитів 0,4 кВ за індивідуальними проектами: - виготовлення розподільчих щитів низької напруги 0,4 кВ на струми до 6300А; - виготовлення щитів компенсації реактивної потужності; - виготовлення щитів частотного More details
Products, services
Electrotechnical company “AVEYRON” specializes in the design and manufacture of a wide range of electrical equipment and automation systems for various industries; measuring devices, alarm systems and alarm systems, control systems, automation systems, a thermometry system, power distribution devices. PRODUCTS: -Panel alarm ”AAD-01” System alarm -Panel emergency alarm ”PULSE” The More details
Products, services
Control units for technological processes / Mclachalan automatic control systems of technological processes / Equipment, Assembly, installation and test of printed circuit assemblies of any complexity on the customer’s documentation / Installation of PCB assemblies / Assembly arrays / Programming / Checking top-level program
Products, services
The company ”CT” Elektrohurt ”official distributor Gindre, France and Tresse Metallique J. Forissier, France, sells warehouse and on order: Tire copper electrical Gindre Tire copper electrical flexible in isolation Forissier The company ”CT” Elektrohurt ”is the official representative of LS Cable of South Korea. LS CABLE company is a unit of the corporation LG (South Korea). The history More details
Products, services
Compressor equipment / Oil purification plants / Welding units / Pump units / Valves Pneumatic actuators / Regulating winches / Ball valves /, assembly / Restoration of rotors / Power equipment / Non-standardized equipment / Consumer goods / Electrical products
Products, services
General Contracting Engineering Design work Manufacture of transformer substations and switchgears Automation of production processes Commissioning Professional wiring Delivery of systems in operation Further technical support Warranty and service Transformer substations, complete block type of 35-110 kV. Concrete transformer substations 6(10)/0.4 kV. Metal complete transformer substations 6(10,35)/0.4 More details
Products, services
Voltage stabilizers Devices UPS Power transformers SGB Electrical panels Compensation of reactive power Busbars Thermal storage Heat pumps Wind turbines Solar Heliokollektory Tips and Tools ERKO
Products, services
Продукція: Низьковольтні комплектні пристрої / Устаткування для об’єктів енергетики / Шафи для комплектних трансформаторних підстанцій / Щити і шафи постійного і змінного струму / Спеціалізовані комплектні пристрої розподілу More details
Products, services
- development and fabrication of devices based on microcontrollers; - manufacture of devices of protection and diagnostics of industrial equipment; - repair and adjustment of industrial electronic equipment; - repair, adjustment, modernization of electric drive of machine tools; - modernization of industrial electronics with the introduction of new technologies; - software development.
Products, services
High-voltage chamber type KZO 317 with vacuum switches or KZO 317 with load switch (RU-6/10kV) Low-voltage panels of the SHCHO 90 type (RU-0.4kV) Complete transformer substations (KTP) Transformer substations (TP) Automatic reserve activation devices (AVR) Input and accounting devices, input and distribution devices, remote accounting cabinets, accounting cabinets, distribution devices, Automatic More details
Products, services
Products: Testing and measuring equipment / Electrical Equipment / Low Voltage Services 1. APCS ”turnkey” ” INFOCOM Ltd” provides a full range of services to create integrated vertically integrated process control systems using the latest technology for the integrated design of SIMATIC PCS7. 2. Development of design documentation ” INFOCOM LTD ” is engaged in the development More details
Products, services
Manufacture of electricity distribution and control apparatus. Leasing of other machinery, equipment and goods, n. B. I. V. Motor freight transport. Lease and ekspluatatsionnogo or leased real estate. Research and experimental development on other natural Sciences and engineering. Conjucture market research and public opinion polling.
Products, services
Основні напрями компанії:     1. Виробництво комплектних розподільних пристроїв напругою 6-35 кВ;     2. Комплектні трансформаторні підстанції КТП;     3. Комплектні розподільні пристрої типу КСО, ГРЩ, ВРУ, АВР;     4. Панелі More details
Products, services
We offer: - Consulting. We provide our clients a full range of consulting services in the construction of systems of power. - Installation. Our company uses advanced new technology of electric installation works, using modern materials and techniques. - Supply. In carrying out their projects, our company uses equipment and materials leading manufacturers, including ABB, Schneider Electric, Legrand, More details
Products, services
The company produces and delivers the following high and low voltage electrical control equipment: Transformers: Oil TM Power dry series TSZHL, Power dry TSZN series. Transformer: KTPM-25...250/10 (6) / 0.4 U1 (mast) KTP-25...250/10 (6) / 0.4 U1 (pole) KTP-1-25...630/10 (6) / 0.4 U1 (shortened kioskovoho type) KTP-2-25...630/10 (6) / 0.4 U1 (checkpoints kioskovoho type) KTPHS-100...1000/10 More details

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