Manufacture of medical and dental instruments and materials

Products, services
Manufacture of medical and surgical equipment and orthopedic adapted
Products, services
Services: Non-governmental organizations nepoliticheskye
Products, services
- Dental implantology; - Manufacture and production of implants; - Dental implantation; - Implantation courses.
Products, services
Manufacture of medical and dental instruments and supplies
Products, services
Manufacture of other chemical products for industry
Products, services
Manufacture of medical and dental instruments and supplies
Products, services
You can buy from us: - threads are surgical; - needles atraumatic; - mesh endoprostheses; - hydrogel dressings; - uro-gynecological kits; - surgical nets; - hydrogel dressings.
Products, services
Медтехника / Разработка и производству хирургических атравматических реабилитационных инструментов и материалов /

Total companies: 280
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