Manufacture of medical and dental instruments and materials

  • 67832, Odeska obl., Odeskyi r-n, smt. Velykodolynske, vul. 70 rokiv Zhovtnia, 11
  • +38 (067) 2540238
Products, services
Manufacture of medical and dental instruments and supplies
Products, services
Продукція: Устаткування госпітальне, медичне, стоматологічне і ветеринарне / Устаткування ортопедичне / Устаткування фізіотерапевтичне і реабілітаційне і протези
Products, services
Products: Bactericidal irradiators and recyclers, Dental equipment; Dental accessory; Dental dental drill; Medical instruments; Medical equipment; medical Furniture; Disinfectant, antiseptic and detergent, etc.
Products, services
Manufacture of medical and surgical equipment and orthopedic adapted
Products, services
Production: Manufacture of tools, devices for medical purposes
Products, services
Manufacture of medical and dental instruments and supplies
Products, services
Product: Optical Products Services: Production

Total companies: 280
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