Activity of medical institutions

Products, services
Diagnosis: - Consultation of a vascular surgeon; - Consultation with a cardiologist; - Ultrasound diagnosis of blood vessels (ultrasound, ultrasound); - Diagnosis of thrombophilia | diagnosis of thrombosis; - Consultation with a lymphologist; - Ultrasound of the heart | ECHO-CS. Treatment: - Bioglues in the treatment of varicose veins; - Endovasal laser coagulation; - Radio frequency obliteration More details
Products, services
CLINIC OFFERS: - Call the doctor home; - Transportation of the patient; - Laser therapy; - Hardware diagnostics; - Electrocardiography (ECG); - Ultrasound of organs and complex; - Gastroscopy (EGDS); - Colonoscopy; - Hysteroscopy; - Colposcopy; - Arthroscopy; - Endoscopy room; - Laboratory tests; - Therapeutic manipulations; - Hospital (ward); - Operating room, PIT (resuscitation); - More details
Products, services
A multidisciplinary polyclinic with a modern accredited clinical and diagnostic laboratory. Treatment and diagnosis of diseases. Consultation of doctors. Phytotherapy. Hirudotherapy. The following types of diagnostics are performed in our center: - bioresonance study; - colposcopy; - laboratory studies; - ultrasound; - cystoscopy. We are happy to provide you with qualified consultations More details
Products, services
- Day hospital chemotherapy; - Infectious diseases; - Oncology; - Oncosurgery; - Oncodermatology; - Cardiology; - Psychotherapy; - Vascular surgery; - Surgery; - Therapy; - Urology; - Gynecology; - Orthopedics-traumatology; - Narcology; - Blood test; - Instrumental diagnostic methods; - Treatment in Israel; - Ultrasound diagnostics; - Digital dermatoscopy.
Products, services
Diagnostics: - ECG; - Ultrasound; - ECHO of the heart; - rheovasography; - capillaroscopy; - rheoencephalography; - holter monitoring; - electroencephalography; - laboratory research; - puncture biopsy of the prostate under ultrasound control. Expert advice: - a cardiologist; - neurologist; - vertebrologist. Dentistry: - orthodontics; - endodontics; - Periodontology; - surgical dentistry; - orthopedic dentistry; - therapeutic dentistry.
Products, services
- MRI; - CT; - Neurosurgery and Neurology; - Plastic surgery; - Gynecology; - Endoscopy; - Cardiology; - Otolaryngology; - Orthopedics and traumatology; - Functional diagnostics; - Ultrasound diagnostics; - Laboratory diagnostics; - Radiology; - Therapy; - Oncology; - Urology; - Family doctor; - Surgery.
Products, services
- Urology; - Gynecology; - Surgery; - Proctology; - Plastic surgery; - Mammology; - Orthopedics - traumatology; - Phlebology; - Endocrinology; - Endoscopy; - Neurosurgery.
Products, services
Sanatorium and resort services. Consultation of doctors. Body rejuvenation programs. On the site you will find answers to questions: Where to undergo rehabilitation after coronavirus? Prices for spinning in the boarding house? What are the programs for treatment and rejuvenation of the body? Where is, address, contacts DNIPRO-BESKID, SANATORIUM-HOTEL COMPLEX? How to get to Dnipro-Beskid
Products, services
Diagnosis of infertility for men and women / in-Vitro fertilization and embryo transfer into the uterus / IVF-ICSI - chromanol with the injection of a single sperm into the oocyte / Stimulation of ovulation with hormonal and ultrasound monitoring and / or Treatment of infertility by the method of intrauterine seminar / Cryopreservation of gametes and embryos / sperm Donation and egg / Surrogacy / Transvaginal More details
Products, services
Diagnostic department / Medical department / Emergency medical care / Inpatient treatment / Dentistry / Children’s department
Products, services
Diagnostic capabilities of the clinical diagnostic laboratory: - clinical blood and urine analysis; - analysis of blood and urine for sugar; - biochemical methods of examination (proteinogram, C-reactive protein, AST, ALT, bilirubin, thymol test, uric acid, residual nitrogen, urea, creatinine, cholesterol, b-lipoproteins, antistreptolysin, gammaglutamine transducutase, blood); - coagulogram; - More details
Products, services
- PCR test. Express test. Test for IgG, IgM and IgA antibodies; - Treatment of COVID-19 in the hospital; - Rehabilitation after COVID-19; - Emergency medical care; - Transportation of patients in Ukraine, CIS and Eurozone; - Medical support; - Departments of therapy, cardiology, neurology, resuscitation and intensive care; - Consultation with a cardiologist, neurologist, therapist, surgeon, More details
Products, services
Oncology Clinic "INNOVATION" provides its services to patients with various types of oncopathology: - Breast cancer (Treatment of benign and malignant breast tumors); - Oncogynecology; - Melanoma; - Sarcomas; - Thyroid cancer; - Tumors of the gastrointestinal tract; - Lung cancer; - Kidney cancer; - Tumors of the brain and nervous system; - Tumors of the head and neck; - Neurooncology; - More details
Products, services
Treatment of adults and children with renal pathology: with initial, severe and recurrent forms of the course of the disease.
Products, services
Development and creation of strategies and programs for the prevention of dental diseases. Features of the course and surgical rehabilitation of patients with gunshot and non-gunshot injuries of bone and soft tissues of the maxillofacial area. Monitoring of dental morbidity. Development and clinical laboratory evaluation of new diagnostic methods in dentistry (molecular genetic, epigenetic, biochemical More details
Products, services
- Plastic surgery; - Gynecology; - Therapy; - Cosmetology.
Products, services
- Pediatrics. - Gynecology: Prevention; Outpatient gynecology; Operative gynecology. - Mammology. - Diagnosis: Ultrasound; X-ray examination; Other types of diagnostics; Clinical and diagnostic laboratory; Genetic laboratory center. - Treatment of infertility. - Pregnancy: Pregnancy planning; Pregnancy management; Prenatal diagnosis; School of future parents. - Childbirth: Anesthesia of childbirth; Newborn care; Breastfeeding. - Vaccination.
Products, services
- Assisted reproductive technologies; - Operative gynecology; - Reproductive andrology; - Embryological laboratory; - Polyclinic; - Women’s consultation; - Analyzes; - Treatment of female infertility; - Treatment of male infertility; - IVF programs; - Analysis of the effectiveness of treatment.
Products, services
DEPARTMENT: Reception office Trauma center Department of Surgery Traumatological Polytraumas Neurosurgical Emergency therapy Heart attack Intensive care Toxicological Center Diagnostics Transfusiology Physiotherapeutic Operating Pathological department

Total companies: 2261
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