61168, m. Kharkiv, prosp. Heroiv Kharkova, 118

Products, services

Photo — NOVATOR SERVIS, TSOP, TOV We offer services in the field of occupational safety, ecology and fire protection, namely:

- training of officials and specialists on labor protection and industrial safety;
- special annual training of employees at high risk jobs;
- theoretical and practical training, certification for admission to work at a height using special insurance means;
- training of officials and responsible persons, specialists and employees of fire safety enterprises;
- vocational training, advanced training;
- trainings, development of training programs in accordance with the specifics of the enterprise;
- on-site training without a break from production.

- preparation for the inspection and its passage;
- registration of responses to prescriptions;
- subscription service, outsourcing;
- development of documentation on occupational safety, ecology and fire safety;
- participation in the investigation of accidents;
- consulting services;
- technical inspection (audit);
- and other.

- examination of the state of occupational safety and industrial production in order to obtain a permit to perform works with high risk;
- examination of the state of occupational safety and industrial production in order to obtain a permit for the operation of high-risk equipment, machines and mechanisms;
- examination of imported equipment for compliance with normative and technical acts of labor protection operating in the territory of Ukraine;
- production of passports, duplicate passports for equipment, machines and mechanisms;
- expert examination (technical diagnostics), technical inspection, testing of equipment, machines and mechanisms;
- calculation and registration of identification, for the determination of the OPN and PNO;
- development of emergency response plans, safety declarations, fire and emergency evacuation plans;
- technical inspection of buildings and structures, certification;
- firefighting expertise;
- electrical measurements of equipment up to 1000V.

- visual-optical method;
- ultrasonic method;
- magnetic powder method;
- capillary method;
- measurement of hardness;
- measuring thicker;
- hydraulic tests.


Company information

NOVATOR SERVICE LLC a company that is firmly in the group of leaders in the labor market for safety services.
Training in occupational safety, ecology and fire safety is conducted for officials, specialists, workers of enterprises of all industries, types of activities and forms of ownership, for those who service high-risk equipment. Also, we conduct certification for admission to the performance of high-altitude and altitude-climbing works and vocational training.

We have all the necessary technical literature, current regulations on occupational safety for workers, teachers and trainees.

We carry out engineering (audit) on occupational safety - this is the departure of our specialist to you at the company and the development of all the necessary package of documents on occupational safety (orders, regulations, journals, etc.) and the provision of professional advice.

You can also use the monthly subscription service for your company by our occupational safety engineers.

Our expert and technical department conducts technical inspection, testing, expert examination, technical diagnostics of machines, mechanisms and equipment of high risk.

The East Expert Laboratory for Technical Diagnostics and Control of Metals operates at our Center. In its activities, NOVATOR SERVICE cooperates closely with the territorial department of the State Committee for Energy Statistics in Kharkiv region, with higher educational establishments, the regional council of trade unions and other organizations.

Activities of KVED


training on occupational kharkov, occupational health, and engineering, kharkov, expert technical inspection, technical diagnostics of the production equipment, planning emergency response, assessment enterprises, customer service businesses on labor protection, training of the engineer on labour protection, training on labor protection officials, fire examination, the price, documentation on labour protection, training on labour protection, training on fire safety, training fire safety, training safety kharkiv
Order the VIP Plan which increased the income of our clients is on average 50-100% after the start.

About company

Code EGRPOU36034851
Egorova Irina Yakovlevna — director
Number of employees20 чел.
Registration date02.10.2008
Update date05.10.2023

Work schedule

9.00 — 17.00
9.00 — 17.00
9.00 — 17.00
9.00 — 17.00
9.00 — 17.00
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Questions and answers

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine to a legal entity «NOVATOR SERVIS, TSOP, TOV» assigned a code 36034851.

Head of the company «NOVATOR SERVIS, TSOP, TOV» is Egorova Irina Yakovlevna, according to the data of the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine.

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine legal address of the company «NOVATOR SERVIS, TSOP, TOV» — m. Kharkiv, prosp. Heroiv Kharkova, 118.

According to information obtained from open and reliable Internet sources, at the enterprise «NOVATOR SERVIS, TSOP, TOV» official site:

Legal entity status according to the Unified State Register (EDRPOU) — registered.
61168, m. Kharkiv, prosp. Heroiv Kharkova, 118
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