Actual address
18007, m. Cherkasy, vul. Smilianska, 149, of. 206
Legal address
18016, m. Cherkasy, vul. Rizdviana, 91, k. 36

Products, services

The company ”STLC ”TRIM ECO” LTD offers to you, your services in the development and production of environmental permits and services of its own certified sanitary-and-epidemiological laboratory, namely:

Development of documentation on atmospheric air:
- Development of documents necessary for obtaining permits for the emission of pollutants into the air by stationary sources and documentation support;
- Development of the report on the inventory of emission sources;
- Justification of emissions; - EIA and ATS project development;
- Passage of environmental expertise; - Statement of the enterprise on the state registration;
- Reducing the sanitary protection zone;
- Development and registration of passports of dust-cleaning equipment (PGOU);
- Laboratory measurements of emissions from organized stationary sources;
- Laboratory measurements at the border of the sanitary protection zone (CZ);
- Formation of the report in the form of 2-TP (air), calculation of payment for pollution;
- Calculation of actual emissions of pollutants for reporting and payments;
- Calculation of environmental tax;
- Development of a passport for a landfill (MVB);
- Development of permits for landfill emissions (MWB).

Development of documentation on water use:
- Development of permission for special water use (underground water intake);
- Development of permission for special water use (surface water intake);
- Development of a passport for a well, a mine well;
- Development of the passport of the water object;
- Calculation of zones of sanitary protection within the water intake wells;
- Sanitary-chemical analysis of water (sewage, surface, drinking);
- Formation of the report in the form of 2-TP (water management);
- Development of GDS (maximum permissible discharge) of sewage into natural water objects.

Development of documentation on waste management:
- Development of a declaration on the generation of waste;
- Development of registers of waste objects;
- Development of annual statistical report # 1 (waste).

Development of documentation on labor protection issues:
- Identification of a potentially dangerous object;
- Identification of an object of high danger;
- Development and approval of the Declaration of Security of the facility of high danger;
- Conduct an examination of the Object Security Declaration;
- Obtaining the conclusion of the expert examination on the issues of labor protection of the Declaration of Security of the object of increased danger, approval of the conclusion;
- PLAS development and approval;
- Conducting expert examination of equipment;
- Receiving a positive Conclusion of examination for obtaining the Permit for the operation of high-risk equipment, storage capacity for harmful substances and other;
- Obtaining a positive Conclusion of examination for obtaining the Permit for work of high danger in the maintenance of mechanisms, equipment associated with the use, storage of hazardous or harmful substances;
- Development of passport and protocol of technical testing of the ventilation system;
- Conclusion on the effectiveness of the ventilation system;
- Expert inspection of the gas supply system of the enterprise;
- List of hazardous works;
- Certification of workplaces and laboratory control of the state of the production environment;
- Control of the factors of the working environment in the workplace, including for employees during the organization of periodic medical examinations;
- Safety instructions; - Graphs of training sessions;
- Collective agreement; - Logs of knowledge testing (introductory briefing, instructing in the workplace - primary, repeated, unscheduled) and others depending on the degree of danger of the enterprise; - programs for conducting trainings on occupations, lists of instructions for professions;
- Job descriptions;
- Technological regulations;
- Development of a license for precursors.

Development of documentation on job appraisal issues:
- Mapping of working conditions;
- Carrying out of timekeeping researches (photo of a workplace);
- Laboratory studies of the harmful factors of the working area for the certification of workplaces, the organization of periodic medical examinations and the departmental control of the state of the production environment:
- study of the composition of chemicals in the air of the working zone;
- study of the severity and intensity of labor;
- study of noise and vibration levels, illumination;
- study of meteorological factors in the air of the working zone; - definition of air speed;
- Current laboratory control of conditions of work, including for medical examinations;
- Expert conclusion on the air of the working area;
- Laboratory measurements of efficiency of ventilation systems operation;
- Calculation of benefits and compensations.

Services of own sanitary-ecological laboratory:
- Laboratory measurements of emissions from organized stationary sources:
- Determination of qualitative and quantitative content of pollutants in organized emission sources;
- Control measures, determination of actual emissions from pollution sources for inventory of emissions and determination of efficiency of dust treatment equipment;
- Measurement of concentrations, mass flow, emission power of pollutants, velocity and volume of flue gases, temperature, dynamic and static pressure of dust of gas-air mixtures and flue gases;
- Measurements in chimneys, chimneys, ventilation, exhaust, aspiration systems, on the way out of the equipment;
- Laboratory measurements of atmospheric air at the border of the sanitary protection zone (CZ);
- Laboratory studies of the harmful factors of the working area for the certification of workplaces, the organization of periodic medical examinations and the departmental control of the state of the production environment:
- study of the composition of chemicals in the air of the working zone;
- study of the severity and intensity of labor; - study of noise and vibration levels, illumination;
- study of meteorological factors in the air of the working zone;
- definition of air speed;
- Sanitary-chemical analysis of water (sewage, surface, drinking);
- Laboratory measurements of efficiency of ventilation systems operation;
- Determination of parameters of gas-dust flow in ventilation exhaust systems, gas flues, smoke channels, pipes;
- Determination of the volume of air flow;
- Measurement of the parameters of the composition and properties of the soil.

Company information

”STLC ”TRIM ECO” LTD is a consulting and engineering company that was established in 2005. The main activities are the development and production of environmental permits, services of its own sanitary-and-ecological laboratory, certification of workplaces at enterprises and organizations, regardless of ownership and management and ecological consulting services. The specialists of our certified laboratory conduct measurements in the field of and beyond the scope of state metrological supervision, as well as develop documentation for obtaining state permits. The developed documentation is accompanied by appropriate state institutions.
”STLC ”TRIM ECO” LTD offers you, your services in the development and production of environmental documentation, namely:
- permission to emit pollutants into the atmosphere by stationary sources;
- EIA and ATS project development;
- development and registration of passports of dust-clearing equipment (PGOU);
- permission for special water use (underground and surface water intake, GDS);
- development of documentation on waste management; - certification of workplaces;
- development of documentation on occupational safety issues;
- development of documentation for obtaining a license for precursors;
- services of own certified sanitary-ecological laboratory.
Our enterprise provides a high level of preparation, registration and production of documents from the above mentioned directions in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of Ukraine. We individually approach each of our orders and guarantee the highest level of client service and professional fulfillment of all our obligations. Among our clients are Myronivsky Hliboproduct, SURY CLUB, WOG and SOCAR, Dendropark Sofiyivka, Yuriy Farm, Voloshko Poly, VENETO and many other enterprises. The experience and competence, standards and methodology used in the work of our company, envisage the whole range of activities aimed at the main result: bringing the business activities in line with the norms of the environmental legislation of Ukraine.
We will be glad to cooperate with you!
Clean Environment - Health of the Nation!

Activities of KVED

Order the VIP Plan which increased the income of our clients is on average 50-100% after the start.

About company

Code EGRPOU41417217
Melnyk Oleh Petrovych
Registration date26.06.2017
Update date09.01.2024

Work schedule

09:00 — 17:00
09:00 — 17:00
09:00 — 17:00
09:00 — 17:00
09:00 — 17:00
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Questions and answers

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine to a legal entity «TRIM EKO, NAUKOVO TEKHNICHNYY LABORATORNYY TSENTR, LLC» assigned a code 41417217.

Head of the company «TRIM EKO, NAUKOVO TEKHNICHNYY LABORATORNYY TSENTR, LLC» is Melnyk Oleh Petrovych, according to the data of the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine.

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine legal address of the company «TRIM EKO, NAUKOVO TEKHNICHNYY LABORATORNYY TSENTR, LLC» — m. Cherkasy, vul. Rizdviana, 91, k. 36.

Legal entity status according to the Unified State Register (EDRPOU) — registered.
Actual address
18007, m. Cherkasy, vul. Smilianska, 149, of. 206
Legal address
18016, m. Cherkasy, vul. Rizdviana, 91, k. 36
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