Legal address
04208, m. Kyiv, vul. Tupolieva, 4b

Products, services

- Neuropsychological support
- Neuropsychological correction
- Sensory integration
- Psychotherapy
- Counseling
- Tomatis method
- Sensorimotor correction
- Interactive metronome
- Playful attention
- Breakthrough Learning Program
- Forbrain
- Sharon Kermack Autism Questionnaire
- Sharon Kermack Questionnaire
- Floortime

Company information

The ”RIVNOVAGA” Psychological Support Center in Kyiv is an institution that specializes in neuropsychological support, counseling, and psychotherapy. Every client who turns to the center can expect an individualized approach and comprehensive solutions to their problems.

Neuropsychological support at ”RIVNOVAGA” is provided by qualified experts with extensive experience in the field of neuropsychology. This method helps identify and correct disturbances in the development of mental and cognitive functions in children and adults, providing them with support in achieving harmony and development.

At the center, one can receive consultation and psychotherapeutic support from experienced psychologists. They help solve problems of various natures, sharing their knowledge and practical experience with the client.

Neuropsychological correction at the ”RIVNOVAGA” center is carried out using different techniques such as sensorimotor correction, the Tomatis method, interactive metronome, and more. Each program is individually tailored to the specific needs of the individual.

Another innovative service offered by ”RIVNOVAGA” is the ”Breakthrough in Learning” program, aimed at improving cognitive processes in students.

The center also offers a range of other services, including Forbrain, sensory integration, the Sharon Cormack Autism Screening Questionnaire, and other programs for child and adolescent development. Regardless of the issue, at the ”RIVNOVAGA” center, you will find help and support from professionals in the field of psychology.

Activities of KVED


Center for Psychological Assistance ”Balance”, neuropsychology, counseling, psychotherapy, neuropsychological correction, Tomatis method, interactive metronome, game attention, ”breakthrough in learning” program, sensorimotor correction, Forbrain, sensory integration.
Order the VIP Plan which increased the income of our clients is on average 50-100% after the start.

About company

Code EGRPOU44193913
Nezhenets Volodymyr Olehovych
Registration date29.07.2021
Update date09.01.2024
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Questions and answers

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine to a legal entity «RIVNOVAHA, PSYCHOLOGICAL SUPPORT CENTER, LLC» assigned a code 44193913.

Head of the company «RIVNOVAHA, PSYCHOLOGICAL SUPPORT CENTER, LLC» is Nezhenets Volodymyr Olehovych, according to the data of the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine.

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine legal address of the company «RIVNOVAHA, PSYCHOLOGICAL SUPPORT CENTER, LLC» — m. Kyiv, vul. Tupolieva, 4b.

According to information obtained from open and reliable Internet sources, at the enterprise «RIVNOVAHA, PSYCHOLOGICAL SUPPORT CENTER, LLC» official site: http://neurocorrection.com.ua/

Legal entity status according to the Unified State Register (EDRPOU) — registered.
Legal address
04208, m. Kyiv, vul. Tupolieva, 4b
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