Legal address
76018, m. Ivano-Frankivsk, vul. Vovchynetska, 227

Products, services

- General plan for the city
- Comprehensive development plan for the district
- Draft of the territory’s general plan
- Urban analysis and development concept
- Summarizing urban planning conditions and restrictions
- Geoportal for easy data access
- Development of urban planning concept
- Strategic development plan for the settlement
- Territorial planning considering geourbanistic aspects
- Documentation for construction planning
- Urban design projects development
- Assessment of territories suitability for living and economic activities
- Creating projections of changes in the urban environment
- Consultations and expert support in geourbanistics
- Development of comprehensive territorial development program
- Urban space planning considering urbanistic trends
- Geoinformation systems for development plans
- Identifying and resolving conflicts in urban planning projects
- Development of strategies for efficient land use
- Implementation of innovations in geourbanistics

Company information

NDPTs ”Geourbanistics and Planning” is a company that specializes in creating strategic and planning documents to ensure the efficiency, sustainability, and comfort of life in territories. Our team of experts in urban planning and master planning works on comprehensive development plans for territories, using modern methodologies in the field of urban planning and urbanism.

We employ innovative approaches to developing general plans, placing emphasis on geopportals and geoinformation systems to ensure optimal development and implementation of projects in cities and towns. Urbanism and territorial planning are not just our profession but our calling. We strive to create modern, convenient, and environmentally friendly environments for citizens.

Our company specializes in geourbanistics, allowing us to pay special attention to studying the geospatial characteristics and features of the area. We develop approaches to geourbanistics to provide the best solutions in the field of planning and design of territories.

NDPTs ”Geourbanistics and Planning” is a team of professionals with deep knowledge in the field of urban planning and urbanism. We develop and implement modern approaches to territorial planning, ensuring sustainability and rational use of resources. Our goal is to create a living space where people can grow and thrive without worrying about future concerns.

Activities of KVED


NDPC ”Geourbanistics and Planning” specializes in urban planning, general planning, and comprehensive territorial planning. The company is engaged in urban development, urbanistics, and geo-urbanistics, developing project documentation for creating a sustainable and livable environment. All tasks are solved with the help of a geoportal and urbanism.
Order the VIP Plan which increased the income of our clients is on average 50-100% after the start.

About company

Code EGRPOU33880983
Habrel Mykhailo Mykolaiovych
Number of employees1 чел.
Registration date24.11.2005
Update date09.01.2024
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Questions and answers

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine to a legal entity «HEOURBANISTYKY TA PLANUVANNYA, NAUKOVO-DOSLIDNYY PROEKTNYY TSENTR, LLC» assigned a code 33880983.

Head of the company «HEOURBANISTYKY TA PLANUVANNYA, NAUKOVO-DOSLIDNYY PROEKTNYY TSENTR, LLC» is Habrel Mykhailo Mykolaiovych, according to the data of the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine.

According to the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine legal address of the company «HEOURBANISTYKY TA PLANUVANNYA, NAUKOVO-DOSLIDNYY PROEKTNYY TSENTR, LLC» — m. Ivano-Frankivsk, vul. Vovchynetska, 227.

According to information obtained from open and reliable Internet sources, at the enterprise «HEOURBANISTYKY TA PLANUVANNYA, NAUKOVO-DOSLIDNYY PROEKTNYY TSENTR, LLC» official site: https://gplan.com.ua/

Legal entity status according to the Unified State Register (EDRPOU) — registered.
Legal address
76018, m. Ivano-Frankivsk, vul. Vovchynetska, 227
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